All functions |
returns the abstract |
Get additional information (Notes on DataStore) |
returns the authors |
returns the first date |
returns the data package citation |
returns the park unit connections |
returns a CUI statement |
returns a CUI dissemination code statement |
Returns the CUI marking |
returns the DOI |
returns the DOI of the associated DRR |
returns the title of the associated DRR |
returns the DataStore Reference ID |
returns the last date |
displays file names, sizes, and descriptions |
Get literature cited |
Get methods |
Returns the Producing Units |
Returns the publisher information |
returns the data package title |
Remove files from a data package Reference on DataStore |
adds an abstract |
Set Notes for DataStore landing page |
Add Park Unit Connections to metadata |
Allows user to add ORCids to the creator |
Rearrange the order of creators (authors) |
Add an organization as a creator to metadata (author in DataStore) |
Adds CUI to metadata |
Adds CUI dissemination codes to metadata |
The function sets the CUI marking for the data package |
Initiates a draft reference and inserts the reserved DOI into metadata |
Update (or add) data table URLs |
Check & set a DOI |
adds DRR connection |
Set Intellectual Rights (and License) |
Set the human language used for metadata |
Edit literature cited |
Sets the Methods in metadata |
Adds a missing value code and definition to EML metadata |
Adds creators to EML |
Sets Producing Units for use in DataStore |
Adds a reference to a DataStore Project housing the data package |
Adds a connection to the protocol under which the data were collected |
Set Publisher |
Edit data package title |
Upload a data package to DataStore |
Writes a README file |