function and update associated documentationDPchecker
as a dependency from DESCRIPTIONDPchecker::load_metadata
## 2025-03-10set_content_units
to have correct east and west GPS coordinates for bounding boxes.set_project
to the EMLscript template (.Rmd) and the documentation pages.set_project
so that it adds projects instead of replacing them.set_project
to use cli errors/warningsset_project
and attempt to update existing function, set_protocol()
to use the latest version of the API rather than a legacy version.set_new_creator()
which can add one or more creators to EML.set_int_rights()
in the EML Creation Script page.set_cui()
deprecation message: now points to the correct updated function (set_cui_code()
, which was not always updating dataTable URLs.set_creator_orcids()
: no longer adds for creators without an orcid.set_creator_orcids()
such that users must specify NA (not “NA”) and to check that the length of the orcid list supplied matches the length of the authors in metadata (excluding organizational authors).set_creator_orcids()
documentation to specify that the function can also be used to remove orcids from authors.set_cui_code()
as opposed to the (now deprecated) set_cui()
that was detecting both CUI code and CUI marking.set_cui_marking()
a non-exported function.get_cui_code()
. Deprecate function get_cui()
which allows users to add missing data codes and missing data code definitions to metadata..get_user_input()
and .get_user_input3()
. Refactored all set_ class functions to use these sub-functions rather than readLines() to get user input.set_cui()
in favor of set_cui_dissem()
, which does the exact same thing as set_cui()
but the function name has been updated to distinguish the action of the function from the newly added set_cui_code()
from to to reflect DataStore changes in the contact email address.remove_datastore_files()
, which can detach files from a DataStore Reference. In conjunction with upload_data_package()
this allows a user to update and make changes to the files in a data package (for instance, in response to review of the data package) prior to activating the data package.set_datastore_doi()
to use the correct doi prefix when dev = TRUE and display the correct URL upon draft reference creation.set_datastore_doi()
and upload_data_package()
functions to allow them to work with IRMA dev for testing and training purposes.upload_data_package()
to prevent file upload if the reference already has files associated with it.get_authors()
allows user to add or replace existing methods sections.get_methods()
returns the methods section (as a list)set_additiona_info()
allows the user to set or replace existing addtitionalInfo. AdditionalInfo becomes “Notes” on the DataStore landing page.get_additional_info()
returns the additionalInfo (“notes”) from metadata.set_creator_orgs()
. This takes a park unit (or list of park units) and uses the IRMA units service to populate the organizationName with the FullName of the park_unit specified. If you specify park_units, you cannot also specify “creator_orgs” - non-park unit organizations must be added as creators using a separate call to set_creator_orgs()
(and the creators can subsequently be reorganized using set_creator_order()
- previously it only worked if you used set_cui()
, exported to .xml and then re-imported to R. Now you can go straight from set_cuio()
to set_int_rights()
, which allows users to re-order the creators (authors on DataStore) as well as remove creators.return.obj = TRUE
and write.file = FALSE
to get it to do the opposite: save an EML object to R for further processing and not write the .xml (so as not to create confusion later on)set_creator_orgs()
which allows users to add organizations as creators (authors on DataStore). EMLassemblyline did not appear to support this functionality.set_creator_orcids()
which allows users to add or edit ORCiDs for individuals (not organizations) listed as creatorsget_author_list()
and get_citation()
to be more informative, especially when surName is missing from the creator/individualNameset_datastore_doi()
so that it does not prompt to use set_datastore_doi()
if there is no previous doi. Fixed readline prompt cursor on the wrong line. Now generates draft references with blank fields instead of place-holder strings (except for the title).set_content_units()
to include the attribute “system = content unit link” as part of the geographicCoverage element for each geographicCoverage element that is also a park content unit link (the old text in the field, “NPS Content Unit Link:” will be retained).set_data_urls()
, set_doi()
, and set_datastore_doi()
to handle cases when there is only one dataTable (as well as multiple data tables).set_cui()
to handle cases when there is no previus additionalMetadata element in metadata.set_cui()
and set_int_rights()
such that they can accept parameters in any case, not just upper (set_cui()
) or lower (set_int_rights()
function to update dataTable urls in metadata to correspond to the DOI in the metadata.get_doi()
to add a line return to error message.set_doi()
and set_datastore_doi()
will now automatically update the online urls listed in the metadata for each data file to correspond to the new location. Caution: metadata with a DOI generated prior to 12 April 2023 may have incorrect online URLs.upload_data_package()
maximum file size increased to 32Mb (from 4Mb).get_park_poygon()
to improve error handling for invalid park codes.set_content_units()
error handling to specifically test for invalid park codes prior to executing & report list of invalid park codes to user.get_content_units()
Added a new function upload_data_package()
that will upload data package files to the appropriate draft reference on DataStore. Individual files must be < 4Mb.
that will upload data package files to the appropriate draft reference on DataStore. The function is only compatible with .csv data files and requires a single EML metadata file ending in *_metadata.xml to all be present in a single folder/directory. The metadata file must have a DOI specified. upload_data_package()
will extract the DOI from metadata and check to see if a corresponding reference exists on DataStore. If the reference exists, the function will upload each file in the data package (including the metadata file).get_doi()
points; if DOI doesn’t exist the function now refers users to both set_doi()
and set_datastore_doi()
Added a new function, set_datastore_doi()
that will initiate a draft reference on DataStore and insert the DOI into metadata
that will initiate a draft reference on DataStore and insert the DOI into metadata. It requires that the user be logged on to the VPN and that the metadata has a title for the data package. The function will warn the user if the metadata already contains a DOI and will ask it they really want to generate a new draft reference and new DOI.set_datastore_doi()
and get_doi()
functions to get just the data package title and just the data package DOI, respectively. They had been returning multiple titles and dois if the
Bug fixes, update set_cui()
codes, flesh out set_int_rights
. Update documentation.
to also populate licenseName field.set_int_rights()
from “additional functions” to “minimal workflow”check_eml()
function is a wrapper that calls DPchecker::run_congruence_checks()
with check_metadata-only = TRUE
. To run all the metadata-specific tests that will be run during a congruence test.
, set_abstract()
and set_int_rights()
and the new check_eml()
to the file check_eml.R.Added set_int_rights()
allows users to update the intellectual rights text supplied by 3rd party EML generators with one of 3 NPS-specific options. Enforces congruence between CUI and license.
Updating to v0.1.0.0 “Electric Peak” is recommended for all users in order to take full advantage of metadata/DataStore integration included the most up-to-date locations and specifications for DataStore metadata elements.
The ability to switch “set_” class functions from a verbose (asks user for input, provides feedback) to silent (no feedback, no prompts) to enable scripting.
Inclusion of set_publisher function to customize the publisher and agencyOriginated options for non-NPS users, for NPS partners and contractors.
CUI can now be overwritten as well as written
write_readme dynamically populates publisher information
Renamed functions and parameters to conform to tidyverse style guides
Removed redundant functions (set_doi)
Added ability to set DRR title and DOI
write_readme now defaults to printing to the screen (but can still save to a .txt file)
Update documentation to reflect changes