
NPMap5 Plugin Monorepo

This monorepo contains a collection of plugins designed to enhance the functionality of maps, with a focus on the National Park Service. Each plugin has its unique purpose and has been optimized for use with MapLibre and NPMap. Below is a list of the available plugins in this monorepo:


1. markdown-handlebars

Converts Markdown and NPMap handlebars to HTML.

2. home-button

Creates a home button for the map.

3. interactivity

Makes interactivity easier with MapLibre-gl-js.

4. overview

Creates an overview map for use with MapLibre-gl-js.

5. svg-icons

Add SVG icons to MapLibre-gl-js maps.

6. source-arcgis-rest

Add an acrgis rest layer to your map

7. maplibre-gl-vector-text-protocol

Add KML, GPX, TopoJSON, OSM files to your map

8. source-wms

Add WMS Raster Layers to your map

For more details about each plugin, navigate to their respective directories to view their individual files.