Write the results table of the EQuIS EDD.
Write the results table of the EQuIS EDD.
limits = imdccal::limits,
qualifiers = imdccal::qualifiers,
format = c("xlsx", "csv"),
destination_folder = "./",
overwrite = FALSE,
concat = FALSE
- files
Path to .xlsx file delivered by CCAL. Use a character vector to specify multiple files.
- limits
Table with detection limits. By default, uses the version in the package. User-defined versions must have the same columns.
- qualifiers
Table with flags and their meanings. By default, uses the version in the package. User-defined versions must have the same columns.
- format
File format to export machine readable data to - either "xlsx" or "csv"
- destination_folder
Folder to save the data in. Defaults to current working directory. Folder must already exist.
- overwrite
Overwrite existing file (Defaults to
as withwrite.table
)- concat
If concat is set to TRUE, the function creates one file rather than one for every CCAL deliverable. By default, concat is set to FALSE, so the output contains separate files for each CCAL deliverable. If only one file path is supplied to the files argument, this parameter does not affect the output.
if (FALSE) { # \dontrun{
# Edit limits table to work with example data
limits <- imdccal::limits |>
dplyr::mutate(EndDate = dplyr::if_else(EndDate == "2024-12-31", lubridate::ymd("2099-12-31"), EndDate))
# Get file paths
all_files <- use_example_data(file_names = use_example_data())
# Write to xlsx
write_results(files = all_files,
limits = limits,
destination_folder = "ccal_tidy",
overwrite = TRUE) # Write one file of tidied data per input file
# Write to csv
write_results(files = all_files,
limits = limits,
format = "csv",
destination_folder = "ccal_tidy",
overwrite = TRUE) # Write one folder of tidied CSV data per input file
} # }