This function can take a list of coordinates and park units as input. In
addition to being vectorized, depending on the park borders, it can be a
major improvement on validate_coord()
validate_coord_list(lat, lon, park_units)
numeric. An individual or vector of numeric values representing the decimal degree latitude of a coordinate
numeric. An individual or vector of numeric values representing the decimal degree longitude of a coordinate
String. Or list of strings each containing the four letter park unit designation
if (FALSE) { # \dontrun{
x <- validate_coord_list(lat = 105.555, long = -47.4332, park_units = "DRTO")
# or a dataframe with many coordinates and potentially many park units:
x <- validate_coord_list(lat = df$decimalLatitutde,
lon = df$decimalLongitude,
park_units = df$park_units)
# you can then merge it back in to the original dataframe:
df$test_GPS_coord <- x
} # }