[Deprecated] get_dp_flags (dp=data package) returns a data frame that list the number of cells in the entire data package with relevant flags (A, AE, R, P) as well as the total number of non-NA cells in the data package (including data flagging columns). Unweighted Relative Response (RRU) is calculated as the total number of accepted data points (A, AE, and data that are not flagged).

get_dp_flags(directory = here::here())



is the path to the data package .csv files (defaults to the current working directory).


a dataframe named dp_flag that contains the four flags, the count of each flag and total number of data points in the entire data package.


The function can be run from within the working directory where the data package is, or the directory can be specified. The function only supports .csv files and assumes that all .csv files in the folder are part of the data package. The function counts cells within "*_flag" columns that start with one of the flagging characters (A, AE, R, P) and ignores trailing characters and whitespaces. NAs are assumed to be empty cells or missing data.


if (FALSE) { # \dontrun{
get_dp_flags() # if your current working directory IS the data package
# ->
} # }