[Experimental] [Questioning] Given a file name (.csv only) and path, the function will search the columns for any that contain multiple user-specified missing value codes. For any column with multiple missing value codes, all the missing values (including blanks) will be replaced with NA. A new column will be generated and, populated with the given missing value code from the origin column. Values that were not missing will be populated with "not_missing". The newly generate column of categorical variables can be used do describe the various/multiple reasons for why data is absent in the original column.

The function will then write the new dataframe to a file, overwriting the original file. If it is important to keep a copy of the original file, make a copy prior to running the function.

WARNING: this function will replace any blank cells in your data with NA!

  directory = here::here(),
  colname = NA,
  missing_val_codes = NA,
  replace_value = NA



String. The name of the file to inspect


String. Location of file to read/write. Defaults to the current working directory.


[Experimental] String. The columns to inspect. CURRENTLY ONLY WORKS AS SET TO DEFAULT "NA".


List. A list of strings containing the missing value code or codes to search for.


String. The value (singular) to replace multiple missing values with. Defaults to NA.


writes a new dataframe to file. Return invisible.


Blank cells will be treated as NA.


if (FALSE) { # \dontrun{
document_missing_values(file_name = "mydata.csv",
                        directory = here::here(),
                        colname = NA, #do not change during function development
                        missing_val_codes = c("missing", "blank", "no data"),
                        replace_value = NA)
                        } # }