Tests for attribute storage type
checks to see if there are the same number of attributes (attributeName) and storageTypes in the metadata. Equal numbers of elements will pass; unequal numbers will fail the test with an error. test_storage_type()
does NOT attempt to verify if the number of storageType elements matches the number of columns in the data package data files (for that functionality, use test_fields_match()
also verifies that the storageType is valid; i.e. is a member of an accepted list of possible storage types. Currently these are: string, float, date, factor, dateTime, or characters. Validity for this test is based solely on observed ezEML/EAL output (in theory any string in storageType is schema-valid). Invalid storageTypes will result in a warning.
does NOT attempt to verify that the value in storageType logically matches the type data in the corresponding column.
test_storage_type(metadata = load_metadata(directory))