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test_publisher() checks if publisher information is present in metadata, with option to require valid NPS publisher information. If the publisher information is present, the test passes. If the publisher information is absent, the test fails with an error. If require_nps is set to TRUE (defaults to FALSE), the test will also ensure that a valid NPS publisher information is present. In this case, even if the publisher element is present, the test will fail with an error unless the publisher is the NPS (and all the publisher fields exactly match the expected information for NPS data packages).


test_publisher(metadata = load_metadata(directory), require_nps = FALSE)



The metadata object returned by load_metadata. If parameter not provided, defaults to calling load_metadata in current project directory.


If TRUE, throw an error if publisher information is not correct for NPS published data.


Invisibly returns metadata.


meta <- load_metadata(DPchecker_example("BICY_veg"))
#> Data are provided for example use only. Do not assume that they are complete, accurate, or up to date.
#>  Metadata contains publisher element.