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test_numeric_fields() verifies that all columns listed as numeric in the metadata are free of non-numeric data. If non-numeric data are encountered, the test fails with an error.


  directory = here::here(),
  metadata = load_metadata(directory)



the directory where the data file(s) are found (i.e. your data package). Defaults to the current working directory. On exit, returns to the current working directory.


The metadata object returned by load_metadata. If parameter not provided, defaults to calling load_metadata in current project directory.


Invisibly returns metadata.


"NA" and missing data codes documented in the metadata will not cause this test to fail. Note that this test assumes that the column types that are in the metadata are the intended types, i.e., if your metadata says a column is text and it should actually be numeric, it will not be caught by this test. On the other hand, if your metadata indicates a text column is numeric, the function will generate an error.


dir <- DPchecker_example("BICY_veg")
#> Data are provided for example use only. Do not assume that they are complete, accurate, or up to date.
#>  Columns indicated as numeric in metadata contain only numeric values and
#>   valid missing value codes.